Materiale evento 15/06
- Dettagli
Di seguito i link per scaricare il materiale:
- CREATe Working Paper 2016/05 (pdf)
- Evento PMI - interventi (doc)
- Impala - PMI presentation EC copyright proposal (ppt)
- Independent music companies are most at risk from dangers of safe harbour (doc)
- Legislators must continue to acknowledge and protect the value of copyright (doc)
- Mind the gap (doc)
- Music-On-The-Blockchain Middlesex University (pdf)
- PMI comunicato stampa (doc)
- Safe harbour is a crippling brake on the growth of the properly licensed music market (doc)
- The value of creative assets is systematically being taken away from artists and music companies (doc)
- Worldwide Independent Market Report (pdf)
La discografia indipendente, tra diritti, innovazione e rivoluzione digitale
- Dettagli
Invito a evento PMI
Giovedì 15 giugno a Milano, ore 9.30, Santeria Social Club in viale Toscana 31